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: ) TalkinG HeadS

WolF BlitzeS : (


Comments on the September 28th 'Wolf Blitzer Reports' on CNN

I am typically not a television enthusiast, but happen to be visiting a household that does regularly rotate among the different mainstream evening news programs.

I have never been driven to go out of my way to make a comment on a particular newscaster or the content of their report before now, well, come to think of it, once before, when one of the 3 alphabet news channels warned that they probably would not be able to cover Clinton’s second inaugural address ‘live’, because it happened to coincide with the results of the O.J. Simpson trial sitcom.

Tonight, what struck me as distasteful and worthy of criticism, was the way Wolf conducted this ‘live interview’ that he happened to have managed to acquire, with a diplomat of Iran, who most likely was being interviewed from Washington D.C. Iran as Iraq, are among the oldest civilizations. It was their discoveries and wealth of knowledge, which helped to shape the Greek’s Golden Age and subsequent birth of Western Civilization.

How pompous and distasteful, the manner in which Wolf fired away his questions, in a very undiplomatic and condescending manner, as if who he was talking to with his accusatory tone was a guilty criminal, rather than someone who undoubtedly has had far superior education and astuteness than this newscaster will ever have. I am embarrassed that he is yet another public figurehead, as distasteful as this current Administration, each maneuvering and acting as if we have the right to police what countries around the world have ‘weapons of mass destruction’, when in fact we are the only country who has ever used them; with generations of Japanese suffering the consequences since.

I hope that more and more people begin to see through this arrogance that is turning the entire world off to Americans, who once stood for far more noble causes.

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